Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Human intellect is by far the most sophisticated gadget on this planet. In fact, it is the primary resource of all creations and innovations. As such, we have the capability to perceive things in our own ways. Be it science, literature or politics, we are either appreciative or critical to almost anything that happens around us. With the approaching 2019 general election (Lok Sabha and Bidhan Sabha), our Facebook wall has started getting flooded with critical post whereby mainstream parties allege each other to prove their credibility (not by doing something earnest but by portraying their rival in a bad image).Polarization taking place on the basis of blame- war between political parties in never an unheard news. The scenario in Sikkim stands nowhere inferior. The two mainstream parties of Sikkim, Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) and Sikkim Krantikari Morcha (SKM) seems to be at dagger dawn with the advent of election season. In addition, there are other petty political parties who pop up occasionally on the political stage with their substitute role. Comprehending the present juncture of Sikkim’s political scenario, it seems rather provocative to decide as to whether it the government who are to be blamed or the people who make the government. Almost every individual comes up with their self- generated narrative regardless of authenticity of the issue raised. As one would go to all those post with varied statement and justification, the outcome would be nothing more than a moral ambivalence.


WE WANT CHANGE is perhaps the present outcry of many people who are apparently fed up with the prolong SDF regime and desperately awaits some radical change in the political front. Change is inevitable, it is the law of nature, no matter how much ever we try we can never limit the squall of time, But do we have the logical mechanism to measure the change that we are longing for, is worthy enough? Or are we craving for CHANGE just for the sake of CHANGE? Or for that matter, is the change a product of our bigoted mind? There are many countries like Pakistan that have staked the nation’s integrity, as a result of such change people had desired for. Likewise, Nepal is still struggling under the wave of political change that the taste of a good governance and a good constitution seems a distant dream. The situation of our own brothers in our neighboring state can be taken into account. With every change that has taken place, their struggling to achieve GORKHALAND seems to run further away. Creation of Gorkhaland could indeed manifest the lost identity, present necessity and their future prosperity though.


WE CANNOT UNDERMINE the quantum leap Sikkim has made in term of development. I still can remember during my childhood days, people commuted on foot from distant places for making household errands and other purposes, but today I can see heavy convoys of luxurious vehicles plying through the road of my vicinity. Within not less than a decade or two, my place, which was indeed a small hamlet with few mud and wooden houses has now turned into a town mushrooming with gigantic structures. Similarly, there has been subsequent development in term of education, public health and other public works. The index of our lifestyle has considerable gone high as no more do we have to venture our life for basic amenities. Few month back, in one of the political campaigns, a speaker form an opposition party, alleged that poor Sikkimese are never provided opportunities, as most of the opportunities were availed by the children of privileged classes. “Has any child of this constituency ever got opportunity to pursue his/ her education in London?” within a week, a mocking counter post with a picture of a girl student appeared on my Facebook wall, informing that the student from a place called Rhenock Khamdong under Chujachen Constituency has been pursuing scholarship to study at Oxford University in London funded by the state government.

ORGANIC MISSION as a concept that was initiated by the chief minister has done wonders. It has elevated the name of Sikkim not only in a national level but has branded the state with a hallmark in a global scenario. I may not be right to say that organic farming in Sikkim is self-sufficient and the mission is hundred percent successful. However, it has opened multiple avenues for the local stakeholders to enhance foreign investment. Furthermore, the organic state also has every proximity to boom tourism industry in the days to come. We may not ignore government schemes that have been implemented for the upliftment of the poorer section. Multiplicity of such plans and policies are brought to the surface of public domain. Highly impressed with the progress made by Sikkim under the leadership of Chief Minister, Mr. Pawan Chamling, and Sikkim winning this year's Gold Award (2018) UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s Future Policy for its achievement in becoming the world's first totally organic agriculture state, Mr. Saikat Kumar Basu from Lethbridge, Canada writes “The state of Sikkim today not only stands high and above all the states of the republic of India, but also has transformed herself to an imperative global stature; serving as a live international model of sustainable, environment- friendly living livelihood concept” (Sikkim Express Letter to the Editor 15/10/2018)


It is obvious that the existing government does have certain ambiguities. There are genuine issues relating to the aspiration of people which needs to be addressed strongly, unemployment ranking the first among all. But on the contrary, if compared to the other states of India, the progress made by Sikkim within a short span of time cannot be ignored.

My discourse, to a reader who has affiliation with political parity and who is seeking for change, may sound rather skeptic. But politics, as we understand, is the life line of our country as such it is something which should not be trifled with.


Quoting the ominous word of “The Architect of Indian Constitution”, Dr. B. R. Ambedker in his address in a constituent assembly remarks “however good a constitution may be, it would eventually turn out to be bad if the people exercising it are bad. Connoting the undercurrent where government are usually held responsible for all the political turmoil, a deep ponder would reveal the fact that much of the problem arises when people fail to realize their responsibility. Many anthropologist believe that a society begets corruption when people themselves are corrupt. For instance, one of the causes for corruption is bribery which is encouraged by people to get their work done in an easy way.


A leader is bad because people are bad, people are bad because the leader is bad, well! The answer is as intricate as answering the chicken – egg riddle. The government- people paradox may someday be interpreted when we as a people would ponder with an unbiased mind. Moreover, a rational mind with subjective and objective contemplation may perhaps be a reliable means to unearth the real political issue. Generalizing any form of governance with personal, religious or self-generated assumptions may hamper the overall integrity of a nation in the long run.


Meanwhile, the question that awaits immediate answer at the backdrop is... Are we really certain that the CHANGE we are longing for is worthy enough to sacrifice our present glory?


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Human intellect is by far the most sophisticated gadget on this planet. In fact, it is the primary resource of all creations and innovations...