A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog” - these words of Jack London is much relevant in today’s world where people have but little concern for the poor and needy. Our world seems to have changed into a big rat race where, every activity of us serves a purpose, a purpose of desire, greed, and selfishness and vice. The entire human race seems to run towards the boundless horizon of success ignoring the importance of sharing.
Under such a commotion of self-seeking world, the children of Government Junior High School, Rhenock Bazar have rolled up their sleeves to preach the creed of “Sharing and Giving”. It was when Mr. Suman Thapa, an efficient teacher of the school came across “World Vision India” an international organization that has been working to create a lasting change in thousands of children, family and community living in poverty and injustice especially in India; felt the need of such community which creates a generous heart in our society. Sooner, with a strong support from Mrs. Sabnam Golay [Headmistress Rhenock Bazar, J.H.S.], when his Ideas were discussed with the students of the school, he was surprised to receive positive feedbacks. During one of the meetings, it was decided that their first step would be to sponsor orphan. They would save 50 paisa from their pocket money every day, which would amount to Rs. 15 per month. The total amount collected monthly from all the students of class VI, VII and VIII would be used to sponsor orphans through World Vision India. Eventually, with consistency and utmost passion, their reverie soon turned into reality and today these students are supporting life of two children. The sole purpose of involving students in such activity is to inculcate in them the importance of charity and giving to others in need even before the kids begins to earn their own money. Many parents wish to lavish their children with money, which the children squander it buying junk food. However, a small saving made out their useless spending would give a life to a destitute soul. Not only does this type of ‘giving’ provide a good feeling, but it also teaches kids, teens and adults to live on less than they earn. The importance of living beneath one’s means simply cannot be overstated, and charitable giving is one more way to achieve all important fiscal discipline.
Highly inspired by the work done by “World Vision India “and tireless effort taken by the students yielding fruitful results, the students of the school under the guidance of concurring teachers has now decided to work under a banner “Generous Students” a charitable community, that would sponsor our own local children and helps him/ her achieve basic necessities, education and food. It was surprising to know that even our Chief Minister gave affirmative consent to this Idea when discussed during an appointment.

“Generous STUDENT” would be a group of students committed to serve poor, orphan and needy local children by their full heart, irrespective of religion, caste and creed.
1. To generate in the student a sense of love, compassion and respect of God towards poor and needy children.
2. To involve students into social work, apart from imparting only bookish knowledge.
3. To enable student to reach among those children who have been deprived from education due to poverty and share physical, moral and financial supports to enable them to stand in the society.
4. To help inculcate in them their real responsibilities towards society, nation and world.
5. To nurture our students today into better human being for tomorrow.
6. To enable students to build their social status in the society.
7. Aware students regarding safeguarding of social justice for women and children.
How do we work: through-
1. Sponsorship: Life time sponsorship can be made to poor, needy children until they can stand on their own feet.
2. Community development: Community development based activities would be done by the students in the different sector of our locality.
3. Social Awareness: Student would involve in the various social awareness activities in and around our locality.
4. Fund rise: Each student would save Rs 0.50 per day from their pocket money and contribute to generous fund.

With such a confined resource the future prospects often seems vague. There would be numerous hurdles to confront with as these children march along their future endeavor. However, it is worth a try for the students who stand entwined with a resolute heart. The only focal point of all the efforts being to advocate the notion that no man stands as tall as when he knells to help a needy child with a generous heart, thus transforming the world to a better place worth to live in.
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